Virgil Security C++ SDK
▼Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::interfaces::AccessTokenInterface | Interface representing Access Token |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::Jwt | Class implementing AccessTokenInterface in terms of Virgil JWT |
▼Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::interfaces::AccessTokenProviderInterface | Interface responsible for providing AccessToken |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::providers::CachingJwtProvider | Implementation of AccessTokenProvider which provides AccessToken using cache+renew callback |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::providers::CallbackJwtProvider | Implementation of AccessTokenProviderInterface which provides AccessToken using callback |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::providers::ConstAccessTokenProvider | Implementation of AccessTokenProviderInterface which provides constant AccessTokenInterface implementation |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::providers::GeneratorJwtProvider | Implementation of AccessTokenProviderInterface which provides generated JWTs |
Cvirgil::sdk::util::Base64Url | Class for base64Url encoding and decoding |
Cvirgil::sdk::serialization::CanonicalSerializer< T > | This class is responsible for serializing and deserializing models in Canonical Form |
Cvirgil::sdk::cards::Card | Class representing Virgil Card |
▼Cvirgil::sdk::client::CardClientInterface | Interface representing operations with Virgil Cards service |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::CardClient | Virgil implementation of CardClientInterface |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::networking::CardEndpointUri | This class provides URIs to the Virgil Service endpoints |
Cvirgil::sdk::cards::CardManager | Class responsible for operations with Virgil Cards |
Cvirgil::sdk::cards::CardSignature | Class representing Virgil Card Signature |
▼Cvirgil::sdk::cards::verification::CardVerifierInterface | Interface representing Card verification process |
Cvirgil::sdk::cards::verification::VirgilCardVerifier | Virgil implementation of CardVerifierInterface |
Cvirgil::sdk::util::CaseInsensitiveCompare | Struct for case-insensitive comparison |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::networking::Connection | This class encapsulates access to the HTTP layer |
Cvirgil::sdk::crypto::Crypto | Class for high level interactions with crypto library |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::networking::errors::Error | Wrapper for errors in sdk |
▼Cerror_category | |
Cvirgil::sdk::VirgilSdkErrorCategory | This is specific error category that contains information about sdk errors |
▼Cexception | |
Cvirgil::sdk::VirgilSdkException | This only exception that sdk can produce |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::models::GetCardResponse | Represents response from CardClient's getCard function with RawSignedModel and whether or not card is outdated |
▼Cvirgil::sdk::serialization::JsonDeserializerBase< T > | Base class for JsonDeserializer |
Cvirgil::sdk::serialization::JsonDeserializer< T > | Forward decl |
Cvirgil::sdk::util::JsonKey | This class holds string constants of Json keys |
Cvirgil::sdk::serialization::JsonSerializer< T > | This class is responsible for the data object marshalling |
▼Cvirgil::sdk::serialization::JsonTemplatedDeserializerBase< T > | Base class for JsonTemplatedDeserializer |
Cvirgil::sdk::serialization::JsonTemplatedDeserializer< T > | Forward decl |
Cvirgil::sdk::util::JsonUtils | This class holds utils for Json processing |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::JwtBodyContent | Class representing JWT Body content |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::JwtGenerator | Class responsible for JWT generation |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::JwtHeaderContent | Class representing JWT Header content |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::JwtVerifier | Class responsible for verification of JWTs |
Cvirgil::sdk::crypto::keys::KeyPair | Wrapper for related Public Key and Private Key |
Cvirgil::sdk::cards::ModelSigner | Class responsible for signing RawSignerModel |
Cvirgil::sdk::crypto::keys::PrivateKey | Container for Private Key which is used for crypto operations |
Cvirgil::sdk::crypto::keys::PublicKey | Container for Public Key which is used for crypto operations |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::models::RawCardContent | Represents content of Virgil Card |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::models::RawSignature | Represents signature for RawSignedModel |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::models::RawSignedModel | Represents model in binary form which can have signatures and corresponds to Virgil Cards Service model |
▼Cvirgil::sdk::client::networking::Request | This is base class for all HTTP requests |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::networking::ClientRequest | This is base class for all HTTP requests to the Virgil Service |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::networking::Response | This is base class for all HTTP responses |
Cvirgil::sdk::jwt::TokenContext | Class used to provide additional info for AccessTokenProviderInterface implementations and explain why token is needed |
Cvirgil::sdk::cards::verification::VerifierCredentials | |
Cvirgil::sdk::Version | Provides information about Virgil Keys SDK version |
Cvirgil::sdk::client::networking::errors::VirgilError | Model for errors which can be received from the Virgil Service |
Cvirgil::sdk::cards::verification::Whitelist | Class representing collection of verifiers |