Virgil Security Crypto library
▼Clogic_error | |
▼Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilCryptoException | Encapsulates logic errors of module 'crypto' |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::PolarsslException | Encapsulates low-level domain error of the PolarSSL framework |
▼Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::asn1::VirgilAsn1Compatible | This class provides interface that allow to save and restore object state in the ASN.1 structure |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::cms::VirgilCMSContent | Data object that represent CMS structure: ContentInfo |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::cms::VirgilCMSContentInfo | Data object that represent ASN.1 structure: VirgilCMSContentInfo |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::cms::VirgilCMSEncryptedContent | Data object that represent CMS structure: EncryptedContentInfo |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::cms::VirgilCMSEnvelopedData | Data object that represent CMS structure: EnvelopedData |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::cms::VirgilCMSKeyTransRecipient | Data object that represent CMS structure: KeyTransRecipientInfo |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::cms::VirgilCMSPasswordRecipient | Data object that represent CMS structure: PasswordRecipientInfo |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilAsymmetricCipher | Provides asymmetric ciphers algorithms (PK) |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilHash | Provides hashing (message digest) algorithms |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilKDF | Provides key derivation function algorithms |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilPBE | Provides Password-Based Cryptography. Now PKCS#5 and PKCS#12 are partially supported |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilPBKDF | Provides password based key derivation function |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilSymmetricCipher | Provides symmetric ciphers algorithms |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilCustomParams | Data object that represent ASN.1 structure: VirgilCustomParams |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::asn1::VirgilAsn1Reader | This class provides methods for reading ASN.1 data structure |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::asn1::VirgilAsn1Writer | This class provides methods for writing ASN.1 data structure |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilBase64 | Provides base64 encoding / decoding |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilByteArrayUtils | This class contains conversion utils for byte sequence |
▼Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilCipherBase | This class provides configuration methods to all Virgil*Cipher classes |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilChunkCipher | This class provides high-level interface to encrypt / decrypt data splitted to chunks |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilCipher | This class provides high-level interface to encrypt / decrypt data using Virgil Security keys |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilStreamCipher | This class provides high-level interface to encrypt / decrypt streaming data using Virgil Security keys |
▼Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilDataSink | This is base class for output streams |
Cvirgil::crypto::stream::VirgilBytesDataSink | C++ Byte Array implementation of the VirgilDataSink class |
Cvirgil::crypto::stream::VirgilStreamDataSink | C++ stream implementation of the VirgilDataSink class |
▼Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilDataSource | This is base class for input streams |
Cvirgil::crypto::stream::VirgilBytesDataSource | C++ Byte Array implementation of the VirgilDataSource class |
Cvirgil::crypto::stream::VirgilStreamDataSource | C++ stream implementation of the VirgilDataSource class |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilKeyPair | This class handles information about Virgil Security key pair |
Cvirgil::crypto::foundation::VirgilRandom | Provides randomization algorithm |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilSigner | This class provides high-level interface to sign and verify data using Virgil Security keys |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilStreamSigner | This class provides high-level interface to sign and verify data using Virgil Security keys |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilTinyCipher | This class aim is to minimize encryption output |
Cvirgil::crypto::VirgilVersion | Provides information about Virgil library version |