Class: Virgil::SDK::Client::HTTP::CardsServiceConnection
- Inherits:
- Object
- BaseConnection
- Virgil::SDK::Client::HTTP::CardsServiceConnection
- Defined in:
- lib/virgil/sdk/client/http/cards_service_connection.rb
Cards service connection class.
Contains cards service specific errors dictionary.
Constant Summary collapse
{ 10000 => "Internal application error", 20300 => "The Virgil access token was not specified or is invalid", 20301 => "The Virgil authenticator service responded with an error", 20302 => "The Virgil access token validation has failed on the Virgil Authenticator service", 20303 => "The application was not found for the acsses token", 20400 => "Request sign is invalid", 20401 => "Request sign header is missing", 20500 => "The Virgil Card is not available in this application", 30000 => "JSON specified as a request is invalid", 30010 => "A data inconsistency error", 30100 => "Global Virgil Card identity type is invalid, because it can be only an 'email'", 30101 => "Virgil Card scope must be either 'global' or 'application'", 30102 => "Virgil Card id validation failed", 30103 => "Virgil Card data parameter cannot contain more than 16 entries", 30104 => "Virgil Card info parameter cannot be empty if specified and must contain 'device' and/or 'device_name' key", 30105 => "Virgil Card info parameters length validation failed.The length cannot exceed 256 characters", 30106 => "Virgil Card data parameter must be an associative array(", 30107 => "A CSR parameter (content_snapshot) parameter is missing or is incorrect", 30111 => "Virgil Card identities passed to search endpoint must be a list of non-empty strings", 30113 => "Virgil Card identity type is invalid", 30116 => "Virgil Card identity application is invalid", 30117 => "Public key length is invalid.It goes from 16 to 2048 bytes", 30118 => "Public key must be base64-encoded string", 30119 => "Virgil Card data parameter must be a key/value list of strings", 30120 => "Virgil Card data parameters must be strings", 30121 => "Virgil Card custom data entry value length validation failed.It mustn't exceed 256 characters", 30122 => "VirgilIdentity validation token is invalid", 30123 => "SCR signs list parameter is missing or is invalid", # 30126 => "SCR sign item signer card id is irrelevant and doesn't match Virgil Card id or Application Id", # 30127 => "SCR sign item signed digest is invalid for the Virgil Card public key", 30128 => "SCR sign item signed digest is invalid for the application", 30131 => "Virgil Card id specified in the request body must match with the one passed in the URL", 30134 => "Virgil Card data parameters key must be aplphanumerical", # 30135 => "Virgil Card validation token must be an object with value parameter", # 30136 => "SCR sign item signed digest is invalid for the virgil identity service", 30137 => "Global Virigl Card cannot be created unconfirmed(which means that Virgil VirgilIdentity service sign is mandatory)", 30138 => "Virigl Card with the same fingerprint exists already", 30139 => "Virigl Card revocation reason isn't specified or is invalid", 30140 => "SCR sign validation failed", 30141 => "SCR one of signers Virgil Cards is not found", 30142 => "SCR sign item is invalid or missing for the Client", 30143 => "SCR sign item is invalid or missing for the Virgil Registration Authority service", 30200 => "Virgil Card relation sign is invalid", 30201 => "Virgil Card relation sign by the source Virgil Card was not found", 30202 => "Related Virgil content snapshot parameter was not found", 30203 => "The relation with this Virgil Card exists already", 30204 => "The related Virgil Card was not found for the provided CSR", 30205 => "The Virgil Card relation doesn't exist", 30300 => "Development Portal sign was not found inside the meta.signs property", 30301 => "Development Portal sign is invalid", 30302 => "VirgilIdentity Validation Token is invalid or has expired", 30303 => "Provided Virgil Card was not found or invalid", 40000 => "JSON specified as a request body is invalid", 40100 => "VirgilIdentity type is invalid", 40110 => "VirgilIdentity's ttl is invalid", 40120 => "VirgilIdentity's ctl is invalid", 40130 => "VirgilIdentity's token parameter is missing", 40140 => "VirgilIdentity's token doesn't match parameters", 40150 => "VirgilIdentity's token has expired", 40160 => "VirgilIdentity's token cannot be decrypted", 40170 => "VirgilIdentity's token parameter is invalid", 40180 => "VirgilIdentity is not unconfirmed", 40190 => "Hash to be signed parameter is invalid", 40200 => "Email identity value validation failed", 40210 => "VirgilIdentity's confirmation code is invalid", 40300 => "Application value is invalid", 40310 => "Application's signed message is invalid", 41000 => "VirgilIdentity entity was not found", 41010 => "VirgilIdentity's confirmation period has expired", 50010 => "Requested route was not found" }
Instance Attribute Summary
Attributes inherited from BaseConnection
Method Summary
Methods inherited from BaseConnection
Constructor Details
This class inherits a constructor from Virgil::SDK::Client::HTTP::BaseConnection