virgil_crypto.keys package


virgil_crypto.keys.key_pair module

class virgil_crypto.keys.key_pair.KeyPair(private_key, public_key)

Bases: tuple

Class containing key pair information


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

virgil_crypto.keys.key_pair_type module

class virgil_crypto.keys.key_pair_type.KeyPairType[source]

Bases: object

Enumeration containing supported KeyPairTypes

Default = 0
EC_BP256R1 = 8
EC_BP384R1 = 9
EC_BP512R1 = 10
EC_CURVE25519 = 12
EC_SECP256K1 = 11
EC_SECP256R1 = 5
EC_SECP384R1 = 6
EC_SECP521R1 = 7
FAST_EC_ED25519 = 14
FAST_EC_X25519 = 13
RSA_2048 = 1
RSA_3072 = 2
RSA_4096 = 3
RSA_8192 = 4
exception UnknownTypeException(key_pair_type)[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when Unknown Type passed to convertion method

classmethod convert_to_native(key_pair_type)[source]

Converts type enum value to native value

Parameters:key_pair_type – type id for conversion.
Returns:Native library key pair type id.
Raises:UnknownTypeException – if type is not supported.

virgil_crypto.keys.private_key module

class virgil_crypto.keys.private_key.PrivateKey(identifier, raw_key)

Bases: tuple

Class containing private key information


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

virgil_crypto.keys.public_key module

class virgil_crypto.keys.public_key.PublicKey(identifier, raw_key)

Bases: tuple

Class containing public key information


Alias for field number 0


Alias for field number 1

Module contents